Forum² is a community for discussing forum software, management, and content strategies, ideal for admins, moderators, and enthusiasts looking to build strong online communities.
This is a thread discussing another internet forum that's listed in the ForumDiscovery forum index.

Forum details

Forum² is a vibrant community for individuals passionate about forums, whether they are administrators, moderators, or simply users who love participating in online discussions. This platform provides a space to explore topics like forum software (XenForo, vBulletin, Discourse), community management, and content creation. Members share insights on building successful online communities, troubleshooting issues, and optimizing forums for user engagement. There are in-depth discussions about SEO strategies, monetization techniques, and ways to keep a community active and growing.

Additionally, Forum² offers hands-on advice for newcomers who want to start their own forums, providing guidance on technical setup, user engagement, and best practices for running a healthy, thriving community. Whether you're looking to optimize your forum’s visibility, improve moderation tools, or connect with others in the industry, Forum² has a wealth of resources to help you succeed.